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Jindal Global Business School
Ganguly, Anirban and Chatterjee, Debdeep (2016) Using multiple criteria approach to evaluate risks associated with supply chain sustainability. In: 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Kuala Lumpur, 8-10 March 2016,, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kumar, Brajesh (2016) Asymmetric volatility of net convenience yield: Evidence from Indian commodity futures markets. In: Proceedings of 5th Economics and Finance Conference, February 09, 2016, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, Miami.
Jindal Global Law School
Chakraverty, Prateek (2016) Digital watermarking - Effectiveness and implications on anti-circumvention. In: 2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 16 March 2016 through 18 March 2016, New Delhi.
Mandal, Saptarshi (2016) The wife as an accomplice: Section 377 and the regulation of sodomy in marriage in India. In: The Life and Future of British Colonial Sexual Regulation in Asia,, 8 and 9 October 2015, Singapore.
Sahni, Sanjeev P. and Shah, Hrideja Saurin (2016) Abolishing death penalty in India: Public opinion, ethics, and the right to life. In: Societas Ethica’s Annual Conference: Ethics and Law, 17-21 Aug, Bad Boll.
Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences
Sahni, Sanjeev P. and Shah, Hrideja Saurin (2016) Abolishing death penalty in India: Public opinion, ethics, and the right to life. In: Societas Ethica’s Annual Conference: Ethics and Law, 17-21 Aug, Bad Boll.
Office of English & Foreign Languages
Batra, Jagdish (2016) Women's fiction: what's in the name? In: Language, Literature & Society: paper proceedings of third International Conference, 18th - 19th Jan, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand.