Browse by Databases which index JGU papers
- JGU Schools (462)
- Jindal School of International Affairs (22)
Chaulia, Sreeram
In spite of the spite: An Indian view of China and India in BRICS.
Global Policy, 12 (4).
pp. 519-523.
ISSN 17585880
Fernando, Srimal and Jha, Pankaj
Exploring the impacts of economic corridors on south Asian countries.
India Quarterly, 77 (3).
pp. 404-423.
ISSN 9749284
Field, Jessica, Pandit, Aishwarya
and Rajdev, Minakshi
Coping practices and gender relations: Rohingya refugee forced migrations from Myanmar to India.
Gender, Place & Culture, 30 (3).
pp. 329-349.
ISSN 0966-369X
Gaur, Punit, Tripathi, Anurag and Ray, Shovan Sinha (2021) India’s role in Kazakhstan’s multi-vector foreign policy. Central Asia and the Caucasus, 22 (2). pp. 43-48. ISSN 14046091
Jangid, Khinvraj
Imagining nations, creating states: Nehru, Ben-Gurion and an analogical study of India and Israel in post-colonial Asia.
Israel Studies, 26 (1).
pp. 73-94.
ISSN 1527201X
Jha, Pankaj and Star, Shaun
India–Australia: Defining new horizons of engagement.
Strategic Analysis, 45 (5).
pp. 411-430.
ISSN 09700161
Kipgen, Nehginpao
The 2020 Myanmar election and the 2020 coup: Deepening democracy or widening division?
Asian Affairs, 52 (1).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 3068374
Kipgen, Nehginpao
Indonesia: A reluctant participant in the south China sea disputes.
Strategic Analysis, 45 (2).
pp. 116-127.
ISSN 9700161
Mann, Deepika, -, Arjun and Lamba, Jasmeet Kaur
India’s combat towards climate change and sustainability (with special emphasis on Paris pledge and SDG’s).
Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 27.
ISSN 0971765X
Pandey, Ankita (2021) Movement allies: towards an analytical re-classification of civil rights groups in India. Oxford Development Studies, 50 (2). pp. 114-125. ISSN 13600818
Polcumpally, Arun Teja
Artificial intelligence and global power structure: understanding through Luhmann's systems theory: Constructing Luhmann’s second order observations using triple helix model.
AI and Society, 37 (4).
pp. 1487-1503.
ISSN 09515666
Puggioni, Raffaela
Governing global subjects? Border-crossers and the limits of (global) governmentality.
Global Society, 35 (3).
pp. 289-306.
ISSN 1469798X
Relly, Jeannine E. and Pakanati, Rajdeep
Freedom of information lessons from India: Collaboration, co-production and rights-based agenda building.
Journalism, 22 (4).
pp. 974-992.
ISSN 14648849
Rosen, Jonathan D. and Cutrona, Sebastian
Understanding support for Mano Dura strategies: Lessons from Brazil and Colombia.
Trends in Organized Crime, 24 (3).
pp. 324-342.
ISSN 10844791
Upadhyaya, Shishir
Indo-Pacific Ocean Initiative - an opportunity to create new institutions for maritime governance.
Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs, 15 (1).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1836-6503
Vazquez, Karin Costa
Brazil and BRICS multilateralism à la carte: From bilateralism to community interest.
Global Policy, 12 (4).
pp. 534-538.
ISSN 17585880
Vazquez, Karin Costa and Zheng, Yu
The new Asian development finance.
IDS Bulletin, 52 (2).
pp. 37-52.
ISSN 2655012
Book Section
Adam, Hebatallah
Fintech and entrepreneurship boosting in developing countries: A comparative study of India and Egypt.
The big data-driven digital economy: Artificial and computational intelligence.
Studies in computational intelligence
Springer Nature, Switzerland, pp. 141-156.
ISBN 978-3-030-73057-4
Setzer, Joana, Leal, Guilherme JS and Borges, Caio (2021) Climate change litigation in Brazil: Will green courts become greener? In: Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives. Brill, Leiden, pp. 143-172. ISBN 9789004447615
Vazquez, Karin Costa and Kottam, Vyshali
The impact of India’s lines of credit on the future of India-Africa partnership in agriculture.
India-Africa partnerships for food security and capacity building: South-south cooperation.
International political economy series
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 311-337.
ISBN 9783030541125
Kipgen, Nehginpao
Democratisation of Myanmar.
2 ed.
Taylor and Francis, Oxon.
ISBN 9781003219408
Sinha, Samrat and Liang, Jennifer (2021) Health inequities in conflict-affected areas : Armed violence, survival and post-conflict recovery in the Indo-Bhutan Borderlands. 1 ed. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 9789811605789