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-, Digvijay (2021) Mental Health Care Act, 2017: Challenges and the way ahead. Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, 8 (5). pp. 8117-8122. ISSN 2148-9637

Aggarwal, Sanchita (2021) Problems, limitations and implementational failures in public interest environmental litigation through an analysis of the Kanpur tanneries Ganga pollution …. Supremo Amicus, 24 (1). pp. 1005-1013. ISSN 2456-9704

Agrawal, Dev (2021) The chronicle of Indian Tort Law: Dharmic resignation, colonial subjugation and legislative development. Journal of Law of Torts and Consumer Protection Law, 4 (2).

Agrawal, Kartik and Agarwal, Nandini (2021) Mega events and their impact on the economy. Jindal Journal of Public Policy, 5 (1). pp. 46-67. ISSN 2277-8743

Animashaun, Jubril and Ubabukoh, Chisom Lotanna (2021) Is human rights protections good for trade in Africa : Evidence from proximity to democratically "Good' and 'Bad" neighbouring countries. Managing Global Transitions, 19 (4). pp. 285-305. ISSN 1854-6935

Antil, Deepak (2021) Should prisoners be treated as equal citizens: Right to vote a way forward. International Journal of Legal Developments and Allied Issues, 7 (5). pp. 114-121. ISSN 2454-1273

Athota, Shreeja (2021) Reverting back: a critical analysis of the insolvency and bankruptcy code. Pen Acclaims, 12 (2020). ISSN 25815504

Bhadra, Poulomi and Aggarwal, Kanika (2021) Judicial gatekeeping of scientific evidence and experts in criminal adjudications. Delhi Law Review, XXXVI. pp. 19-45. ISSN 0971-4936

Bhardwah, Rishabh (2021) Public interest litigation: Under Sec 91&92. Aut Aut Research Journal, 12 (1). pp. 352-361. ISSN 0005-0601

Bhaskar, Anurag (2021) 'Ambedkar's constitution': A radical phenomenon in anti-caste discourse? CASTE: A Journal on Global Exclusion, 2 (1). pp. 109-131. ISSN 2639-4928

Bhaskar, Anurag (2021) Law clerks and access to judges: A comparative reflection on the recruitment process of law clerks in India. Comparative Constitutional Law & Administrative Law Journal, 6 (1). ISSN 2582–9807

Bhatt, Krusha (2021) Google: An interminable friction of abuse of dominance- A comparative study between the EU and India. IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science, 26 (9). pp. 56-81. ISSN 22790837

Bhattacharya, Shilpi and Khandelwal, Pankhudi (2021) Indian competition law in the digital markets: An overview of national case law. E-Competitions Antitrust Case Laws e-Bulletin. pp. 1-12.

Bhattacharya, Shubhalakshmi and Lata, Ganesh Bhaskar (2021) A critical analysis of the definition of workman under the industrial disputes act, 1947. National journal of labour and industrial law, 4 (1).

Bhinder, Simran and Bhargava, Sneha (2021) Analyzing board size and composition in the Indian sport context. Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 2 (2). pp. 41-52.

Bhinder, Simran, Bhargava, Sneha and Kumari, Akriti (2021) An analysis of board size and composition in national sports federations in the United Kingdom. Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 2 (2). pp. 86-97.

Bisht, Pulkit S. and Zoariah, Zeba (2021) 'Age' of the prosecutrix: An aggravating factor in the punishment of sexual offences. Burnished Law Journal, 2 (1). ISSN 25825534

Chanda, Anirban and Shrivastava, Anujay (2021) ‘Anti-anti-suit injunctions’ and ‘anti-enforcement injunctions’ in the United Kingdom and abroad : A comparative overview. The Solitaire Law. pp. 1-24.

Chanda, Subhrajit, -, Tarun and Star, Shaun (2021) Contouring E-doping: A menace to sportsmanship in E-sports. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 12 (8). pp. 966-981. ISSN 13096591

Chanda, Subhrajit, Sahoo, Sidheswar and Sahni, Shruti (2021) Olympic rule 50 : Bane toward human rights implications for the athletes. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5 (S3). pp. 1489-1509. ISSN 2690103X

Chanda, Subhrajit, Sayyed, Hifajatali and Saha, Kingshuk (2021) Removing barriers in the 21st century of world politics through the medium of strategic communication and sports law. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11 (10). pp. 628-636. ISSN 21460353

Chanda, Subhrajit and Sheokand, Nishant (2021) Intersection of Islam and modern sports law. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 8 (2). pp. 563-571. ISSN 23481269

Chanda, Subhrajit and Singh, Avinash (2021) Trans-sexuality right a new era of challenge at 21st century of sports. Symbiosis Law School Nagpur Law Review, 1 (1). pp. 25-39.

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2021) Performing calibanesque baptisms Shakespearean fractals of British Indian history. Multicultural Shakespeare, 23 (38). pp. 59-74. ISSN 2300-7605

Chaudhari, Manasi (2021) Invisible’ women street vendors: Lacunae in the Street Vendors Act, 2014. Christ University Law Journal, 3 (2). pp. 25-37. ISSN 2278-4322 (Submitted)

Chauhan, Prakhar N S and Singh, Prashant (2021) Lessons from the US: Arbitrability of oppression and mismanagement in India. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 5 (1-2). pp. 76-98.

Choudhary, Tanisha (2021) The (not-so) protectionist Criminal Procedure Code of 1973. International Journal of Law and Policy Review, 10 (1). pp. 142-151. ISSN 22783156

Dokania, Arushi (2021) A critical overview of film censorship in India vis-a-vis freedom of speech. Supremo Amicus, 24. ISSN 2456-9704

Fatima, Aneela (2021) God, Allah or Bhagwan? It does me no injury for my neighbour to say that there are twenty gods or no God. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11 (10). ISSN 2146-0353

Gala, Priya (2021) The unjustness of the just and equitable requirement warrants Its deletion. Supremo Amicus, 25. pp. 366-370. ISSN 2456-9704

Gangwar, Shivangi (2021) Another prisoners' dilemma: Voting rights of the incarcerated. Journal of Law & Economics, 3 (2). pp. 133-142. ISSN 25822667

Gangwar, Shivangi (2021) Some thoughts on the corona semester. Saint Louis University Law Journal, 65 (3): 6. pp. 513-526. ISSN 15565068

Garimella, Sai Ramani and Mohanty, Gautam (2021) The Faux pas of automatic stay under the indian arbitration act, 1996-The HCC dictum, two-cherry doctrine, and beyond. Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal, 21 (195). pp. 1-63.

Gupta, Arpita (2021) Regulating microfinance for financial inclusion & development: A chronological analysis of microfinance regulation in India. Ilkam Law Review, 49. pp. 109-136. ISSN 19759789

Gupta, Kashish (2021) Rethinking the importance of message: A critical analysis of McLuhan’s theory,“Medium is the message.”. International Journal Of English and Studies (IJOES), 3 (12). ISSN 2581-8333

Gupta, Manav (2021) Covid-19 and politics in Italy: Solidarity between health and non-health sector. Legal Spectrum Law Journal, 1 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 25829483

Guruprasad Rane, Vaibhavi (2021) ISDS reform- A world investment court: Is it a possible gateway to World Investment Organization? International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 4 (2). pp. 2838-2847. ISSN 25815369

Holland, Kenneth (2021) Pakistan’s national interest and recognition of Afghanistan’s Taliban regime. Journal of Security and Strategic Analyses, 7 (2). pp. 7-22. ISSN 27084272

Holland, Kenneth (2021) The Trump administration’s critique of the world trade organization and its implications for the international trading system. Indian Journal of International Economic Law, 13 (1). pp. 154-178. ISSN 09753214

Iheme, Williams C. and Mba, Sanford U. (2021) Pandemic recovery in Africa: A case for strengthening insolvency laws for rescuing small and medium enterprises. Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, 8 (2). pp. 74-103. ISSN 23116889

Iheme, Williams C. and Mba, Sanford U. (2021) A doctrinal assessment of the insolvency frameworks of African countries in coping with the pandemic-triggered economic crisis. Stellenbosch Law Review, 32 (2). pp. 306-329. ISSN 19962193

Immanuel, Andrea Marilyn Pragashini (2021) The meaning of life under the Indian constitution and the obligation not to render persons stateless: With reference to NRC in Assam. Statelessness & Citizenship Review: Citizenship and Statelessness in India Symposium, 3 (1). pp. 186-207.

Jain, Saurabh (2021) How serious are South Africa and India about rewriting their income tax legislation? New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy, 27: 173. ISSN 1322-4417

Jain, Saurabh (2021) Redrafting Process of the Income Tax Legislation in South Africa and India and Lessons from New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Australia. New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy, 27: 195. ISSN 1322-4417

Jandrić, Petar, Hayes, David and Levinson, Paul (2021) Teaching in the age of Covid‑19—1 year later. Postdigital Science and Education, 3. pp. 1073-1223. ISSN 25244868

Jarast, Federico (2021) Is democracy in Peril in the Americas?: The demise of tobar and the resurrection of estrada. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 45 (2). pp. 17-40.

Jha, Apoorvi, Nayak, Chitrita, Thiagarajamurthy, Aakash and Wal, Anannya (2021) An analysis of board size and composition in national sporting federations in South Africa. Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 2 (2). pp. 76-85.

Kale, Pradnya K. and Kale, Prajakta (2021) Literature of diaspora: An ambivalent construction of nationalism. LangLit, 8 (2). pp. 98-102. ISSN 2349-5189

Khajuria, Anant (2021) Article 19 & 21 with respect to right to privacy. Jus Corpus Law Journal, 1 (3). pp. 78-89. ISSN 2582-7820

Kuhner, Stefan, Nakray, Keerty and Neff, Daniel (2021) India’s social policy response to Covid-19: Temporary relief in a rigid welfare landscape. Covid-19 Social Policy Response Series, 1342 (4). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2702-6744

Kumar, Arathi (2021) Punishment and mandatory minimums in the Indian context. International Journal of legal Developments and Allied Issues, 7 (6). pp. 148-156. ISSN 2454-1273

Kumar, Arathi (2021) Tracing the materialization of the Kerala joint Hindu family system (abolition) Act through its historical context. International Journal of Legal Developments and Allied Issues, 7 (6). pp. 136-147. ISSN 2454-1273

Kumar, Manasi (2021) The chimera of restraint of trade in India. Journal of Contract Law, 37. pp. 64-85.

Kumar, Shaurya and Vinod, Vishal (2021) Environmental rights as human rights: Rethinking the contours of environmental law in India. Supremo Amicus, 25. pp. 499-505. ISSN 2456-9704

MacKenzie, Alison, Bacalja, Alexander and Annamali, Devisakti (2021) Dissolving the dichotomies between online andcampus‑Based teaching: A collective response to the manifesto for teaching online. Postdigital Science and Education, 4 (2). pp. 271-329. ISSN 2524-4868

Mahaseth, Harsh (2021) Analysis of the law on marine environment protection of the People's Republic of China. Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 48 (12). pp. 2034-2045. ISSN 16742974

Mahaseth, Harsh (2021) Case comment : Understanding repugnancy in M. Karunanidhi v. Union of India. Vishwakarma University Law Journal, 1 (1). pp. 147-153.

Mahaseth, Harsh (2021) The misogynistic tropes of rape delineating the boundary of romance in popular fiction. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 3. 1436 -1446. ISSN 0304-2294

Mahaseth, Harsh (2021) The need for a national tax tribunal : Reviewing the national tax tribunal act, 2005. Jus Corpus Law Journal, 1 (3). pp. 446-459. ISSN 25827820

Mahaseth, Harsh and Agarwal, Vanshika (2021) The transgender persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 and the continued protest: What changes are required? Bharati Law Review, 10 (2). pp. 152-160. ISSN 22786996

Mahaseth, Harsh and Goyal, Shubhi (2021) Asghar Leghari and environmental justice: Transformative climate change litigation judgements one step at a time. Chanakya Law Review, 1 (1). pp. 124-129.

Mahaseth, Harsh and Hilali, Sabrina (2021) The role and influence of Malaysia in ASEAN and the regional impact of the organization on the nation. Asian Journal of International Affairs, 1 (1). pp. 165-177. ISSN 2822-1958

Mahaseth, Harsh and Pandey, Saumya (2021) Climate emergency and the impact of US pull-out from Paris climate agreement. GEHU’s Law Review, 10 (1). pp. 32-41.

Malhotra, Ankit and Rajesh Babu, R. (2021) United States–Mexico–Canada agreement (USMCA) (formerly the North American free trade agreement (NAFTA)). Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 31 (1). pp. 283-287. ISSN 2045-0052

Meharia, Akshat (2021) Origin and debate surrounding adverse possession. Law Essentials Journal, 1 (3). pp. 66-73. ISSN 2582-6735

Mehrotra, Abhinav and Gupta, Biswanath (2021) Vaccination : A national duty. Journal of Community Guidance and Research, 38 (2-3). pp. 210-216. ISSN 09701346

Mehta, Pratham, Shastri, Creesha and Pranjal, Piyush (2021) Consumer protection in India: Archetypal challenges and way forward. International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 4 (2). pp. 80-87. ISSN 25815369

Modi, Trusha, Vuyyuru, Tharun Rana and Chanda, Subhrajit (2021) An analysis of board composition in national sport federations in Australia. Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 2 (2). pp. 6-19.

Mohammadi, Mehrdad, Chanda, Subhrajit and Saha, Kingshuk (2021) Structure and competence of the court of arbitration for sport (CAS) in the settlement of sport disputes. Research in Exercise and Law, 1 (1). pp. 1-13.

Murugamani, C, Samal, Ansuman, Mitra, Anupam, Zachariah, Nimmy Saira and Kumar, S Praveen (2021) Importance Of Online education during Covid-19 pandemic. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), 12 (7). pp. 6293-6299. ISSN 6293-6299

Namrata, A. (2021) Is the interpretation Of mental cruelty due to sexual frailty too liberal in view of obtaining a matrimonial relief under the Hma, 1955? Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law, 1 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2583-0538

Narang, Ashish (2021) Treatment of prepaid payment instruments (PPIs) under the GST Act, 2017. Journal of Indian Taxation, 8 (2). pp. 96-102. ISSN 2347-4475

Narwal, Tusharika (2021) Whistleblower protection and effects of corruption on human rights. Webology, 18 (5). pp. 1694-1706. ISSN 1735-188X

Narwal, Tusharika and Kandpal, Ila (2021) Casteism: A plague to India’s growth. Webology, 18 (4). pp. 796-805. ISSN 1735-188X

Nasution, Eva Syahfitri, Nasution, Siti Nurahmi, Purba, M. Hadyan Yunhas and Nasution, Akmal Handi Ansari (2021) Human rights studies on fulfillment of restitution rights for children as victims of human trafficking. Pena Justisia, 20 (1). pp. 38-47. ISSN 23016426

Ojo, Olayinka Oluwamuyiwa (2021) Polluter pays principle under Nigerian environmental law. Environmental Liability- Law, Policy and Practice Journal, 26 (3). pp. 91-105. ISSN 09662030

Pandey, Madhumita, Magill, Severyna, Grace, Jamie, Tatton, Sarah, Chaggar, Alex and Lester, Anna (2021) Home office call for evidence on violence against women and girls-recommendations from the Helena Kennedy Centre. Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice. pp. 1-22.

Pathan, Azimkhan B. and Chanda, Subhrajit (2021) Technolegosprudence and its challenges: Investigating its relevance in the 21st Century. Design Engineering, 8. pp. 11060-11075.

Popat, Mihir (2021) The constitutional imbalance of power in the centre-state relationship a critique. Jus Corpus Law Journal, 1 (3). pp. 271-276. ISSN 2582-7820

Popat, Swara (2021) Rising authoritarianism: The crippling effects of Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 4 (2). pp. 273-280. ISSN 25815369

Popat, Swara (2021) Swaraj: An abandoned concept in independent India. International Journal for Legal Research and Analysis, 1 (10). ISSN 25826433

Popat, Swara (2021) The mythical level playing field: A study of inequality and discrimination in the world of sport. International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 4 (2). 2832 -2837. ISSN 25815369

Popovski, Vesselin (2021) Pandemic Governance: Re-Thinking Rules and Institutions in Post Pandemic World. Public policies., 12 (1). pp. 79-90.

Prakash, Nayan, Modi, Trusha and Chanda, Subhrajit (2021) An analysis of board composition in national sport federations in the USA. Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 2 (2). pp. 98-113.

Prakash, Nayan, Nayak, Chitrita, Wal, Anannya, Thiagarajamurthy, Aakash and Jha, Apoorvi (2021) An analysis of board size and composition in national sporting federations in Malaysia. Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 2 (2). pp. 53-66.

Purkayastha, Abheepsita (2021) A Mental Problem! Final Draft (3). pp. 26-32.

Ranjan, Danish (2021) Kafka’s Prose: Rebellion against Realism. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 200-202. ISSN 2456-7620

Rathour, Mansi (2021) Theory of climate justice and the burden of responsibilities. Ecology, Environment and Conservation Journal, 27 (Suppl.). pp. 199-210. ISSN 0971–765X

Rishi, Shriram (2021) Dreaming a civil code: Envisioning the possibilities and futilities of uniform family law. Nyaayshastra Law Review, 2 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2582-8479

Ronnie, Zubin (2021) An analysis of the effectivity of child protection legislation and policies. Law Essentials Journal, 1 (3). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2582-6735

Roy, Shubhangi (2021) Theory of social proof and legal compliance: A socio-cognitive explanation for regulatory (Non) compliance. German Law Journal, 22 (2). pp. 238-255. ISSN 2071-8322

Sahni, Shruti, Narang, Samanvi and Setia, Sunidhi (2021) Custody of children in India - An inter-country dispute. Design Engineering, 8. pp. 8058-8066.

Samraat, Saurabh (2021) Bollywood’s toxic masculinity: The problematic portrayal of men & women in popular Hindi cinema. Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 4 (1). pp. 421-431. ISSN 25815369

Sastharam, Maneka Nair (2021) Failure of environmental regulatory bodies and EIA framework: Analysis of existing challenges. RGNUL Student Research Review, 7 (2). pp. 128-147. ISSN 23498293

Sen, Aparajito (2021) Interpreting group-based religious freedoms: Sabarimala and the movement from definitions to limitations. NALSAR Student Law Review, 15. pp. 1-26.

Sen, Rohini (2021) A queer reading of international law and its anxieties. GNLU Law and Society Review, 3. pp. 33-55. ISSN 25822446

Shankar, V. Gowri (2021) SOB doctrine, John Locke labour theory and Guinness world records. Journal for Law Students and Researchers, 2 (4). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2582306X

Sharma, Mayannk U. and Jaiswal, Shubh (2021) Dividing lines – The French freedom of speech law vs. blasphemy. Burnished Law Journal, 2 (1). ISSN 25825534

Shrivastava, Anujay (2021) Court’s refusal to refer parties to arbitration in disputes involving ‘time-barred’ claims: Analysing the BSNL vs. Nortel decision. International Journal of Legal Studies and Research, 10 (2). pp. 168-182. ISSN 22784764

Shrivastava, Anujay (2021) The origins, jurisprudential fallacies and practical limitations of a ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ in the European Union. International Journal of Law and Policy Review, 10 (2). pp. 153-203. ISSN 22783156

Shrivastava, Anujay and Shrivastava, Abhijeet (2021) ‘Economic’ dignity and transformative constitutionalism in India: Attempting to cut the ‘Gordian Knot'. Corpus Law Journal, 1 (4). pp. 446-457. ISSN 25827820

Shrivastava, Anujay and Shrivastava, Abhijeet (2021) Judicial appointments, collegium system, and unresolved constitutional enigmas in India: Proposing an ‘emergency collegium’ and the ‘automatic elevation alternative’. Jus Corpus Law Journal, 1 (4). pp. 290-304. ISSN 25827820

Shrivastava, Anujay and Tiwari, Yashowardhan (2021) Understanding the misunderstood: mapping the scope of a deity's rights in India. International Journal of Law and Policy Review, 10 (1). pp. 1-45. ISSN 22783156

Shukla, Ayush (2021) The crisis of land records in India and the way forward. Jus Corpus Law Journal, 1 (3). pp. 41-49. ISSN 2582-7820

Singh, Devangna, Bhagabati, Dikshit Sarma, Vijay, Ishan and Chidambaram, Malini (2021) Crafting criminality: Into a magical dystopia with delinquent objects. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 21 (1): 8. ISSN 2168-569X

Singh, Devank Kumar and Kumari, Nupur (2021) Posthumanism vis-a-vis right to be forgotten: To forget or not to forget. Supremo Amicus, 25. pp. 187-192. ISSN 2456-9704

Sinha, Chetan (2021) Ganges water and myths of immunity from coronavirus. Mainstream, 59 (19). pp. 1-3.

Srinivasamurthy, Mythili (2021) International arbitration of the quixotic outer-space disputes under PCA optional rules, 2011. International Journal for Legal Research and Analysis, 2 (10). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2582-6433

Star, Shaun and Joshua, McLeod (2021) Reaching new frontiers in sport governance research: Exploring board composition in national sport federations. Journal of Sports Law, Policy and Governance, 2 (2). pp. 1-6.

Suyunova, Dilbar Joldasbaevna and Bhushan, Tripti (2021) Ensuring guarantees of rights of participants in electronic criminal proceedings. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3 (11-12). pp. 81-88. ISSN 2693-0803

Tandon, Bhavya and Nayak, Pratiti (2021) "Drug criminalization lacks any principled rationale, and it does more harm than good. Therefore, it is unjustified”. To what extent do we agree with this statement? International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, 4 (3). pp. 5378-5390. ISSN 25815369

Thorat, Amit and Aquil, Mohammad (2021) Historic legacy of untouchability and caste enslavement: A case of reparative justice. Journal of Social Inclusion Studies, 7 (2). pp. 107-116. ISSN 2516-6123

Tiwari, Anubhav Dutt and Singh, Prashant (2021) Experiencing the violence of law: Contextualising the NRC process in Assam. Jindal Global Law Review, 12 (1). pp. 29-54. ISSN 23644869

Tiwari, Yashowardhan (2021) Re-defining the debates on anti-conversion laws. BJYM Magazine. pp. 11-13.

Tripathi, Ishana (2021) The Indian Viewpoint on Mediation. American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, 40 (4). pp. 84-85. ISSN 0027-9048

Tulsyan, Aryan (2021) Challenges Faced by rape victims in India. Burnished Law Journal., 2 (4). ISSN 2582-5534

Umar, Mohammad and Siddiqui, Nizamuddin Ahmad (2021) Incarceration of Muslims during COVID-19 and Judicial Retort in the Indian State of Maharashtra. Diversity and Social Justice Forum, 5.

Venkatesh, Varsha (2021) Exclusion of methods of medical treatment from patentability: a global perspective. Pen Acclaims, 14 (Jan): 2021. pp. 1-6. ISSN 25815504

Vishwakarma, Shalinee (2021) The scope of changes in the criminal Law System in India: To eradicate the Non-Effective provision in statue. Linguistics and culture review., 5 (S4). ISSN 2690-103X

Book Section

Banerjee, Arpan (2021) Copyright and academic photocopying: The Delhi university case. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 304-323. ISBN 9781108671101

Banerjee, Arpan (2021) A primer on intellectual property and popular culture research. In: Handbook of Intellectual Property Research: Lenses, Methods, and Perspectives. Oxford University Press, London. ISBN 9780198826743

Bhattacharya, Jigisha (2021) Tracing Rosa Luxemburg's legacy: Economic and political debates within contemporary India. In: Rosa Luxemburg Band 2: Nachwirken. Buchner Verlag, Marburg, pp. 17-52. ISBN 9783963177835

Chanda, Subhrajit and Singh, Avinash (2021) Arguing fundamental rights status to sports in India: A comparative analysis. In: Issues and challenges in law relating to sports in India. Taxmann Publications, New Delhi, pp. 62-69. ISBN 9789390831838

Dey, Deblina (2021) Three models of institutional care in india and the interpretation of the needs of older persons. In: Ageing Issues in India. Springer, Singapore, pp. 171-191. ISBN 978-981-16-5827-3

Garimella, Sai Ramani and Dar, Wasiq Abass (2021) Anti-arbitration Injunctions in investor-state arbitration: Instruments of “Abuse of Process”. In: Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-15. ISBN 97898113-57442

Ghosal, Srimati (2021) The bard in Bharadwaj: Politics of transculturation in the cinematic adaptations of Shakespeare by Vishal Bharadwaj. In: Identity and Marginalisation in South Asia literature and Media. Anu Book, Meerut, pp. 99-111. ISBN 9789390879335

Iheme, Williams C. (2021) Vulnerability, financial inclusion, and the heightened relevance of education in a credit crisis. In: Discrimination, vulnerable consumers and financial inclusion: fair access to financial services and the law. Discrimination, Vulnerable Consumers and Financial Inclusion Fair Access to Financial Services and the Law, Oxon, pp. 84-110. ISBN 9781003055075

Iheme, Williams C. (2021) A comparative assessment of the legal frameworks on cross-border consumer disputes. In: The Indian yearbook of comparative law 2019. The Indian yearbook of comparative law book series . Springer, Singapore, pp. 61-93. ISBN 9789811621758

John, Mathew (2021) The limit of pluralism : A perspective on religious freedom in Indian constitutional law. In: Negotiating Democracy and Religious Pluralism: India, Pakistan, and Turkey. Oxford University Press, London, pp. 203-220. ISBN 9780197530016

Junnarkar, Mohita and Adlakha, Kartik (2021) Decision-making in the courtroom: Judiciary. In: Criminal psychology and the criminal justice system in India and beyond. Springer, Singapore, pp. 229-241. ISBN 9789811645709

Khan, Sarfaraz Ahmed, Puthucherril, Tony George and Paul, Sanu Rani (2021) Introduction: The changing waterscape of groundwater Law in India. In: Groundwater law and management in India : From an elitist to an egalitarian paradigm. Springer Verlag, Singapore, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9789811626197

Mahanand, Jadumani (2021) Ambedkar in/and academic space. In: B. R. Ambedkar: The quest for justice: Religious and cultural justice. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, pp. 268-282. ISBN 9780190127893

Mahaseth, Harsh (2021) Supreme court of the federal democratic republic of Nepal. In: Max Planc encyclopedia of comparative constitutional law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9780190660994

Mandal, Sourav (2021) The politics of regulating adult sexuality through the Institution of marriage: Reflections on queer experiences from India. In: Mutinies for equality: Contemporary developments in law and gender in India. Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, pp. 225-241. ISBN 9781108991735

Mishra, Shubham Prakash and Thakur, Shambhavi (2021) The fault in our artificial stars: Efficacy of satellite surveillance systems in India's conservation efforts. In: Technological issues under Environment Law. Gujarat National law University, Gujarat, pp. 4-18.

Nanda, Rubanya (2021) Sustainable development component in model BITs—A comparative analysis. In: The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2019. Springer, Singapore, pp. 95-107. ISBN 978-981-16-2175-8

Nedumpara, James J. and Laddha, Aditya (2021) India joining the ICSID? A new look at an old debate. In: Adjudicating Global Business in and with India: International Commercial and Investment Disputes Settlement. 1st ed. Routledge, London, pp. 1-21. ISBN 9780429343773

Prabhu, Aloke (2021) Growing market and receding morality: Rethinking market. In: Economic analysis of law. Thomson Reuters Legal, Gurgoan, pp. 164-175. ISBN 9789391340179

Puthucherril, Tony George and Peters, Mary Sabina (2021) Dam-related displacement and sustainable development goal 6. In: Clean Water and Sanitation. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9783319700618

Rajawat, Anugrah Pratap Singh and Chanda, Subhrajit (2021) Legalizing betting in India: A study from the perspective of moral quandary. In: Play and Prejudice: A panoromic view of sports law governance and regulation. Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Andhra Pradesh, pp. 287-303. ISBN 978-81-954254-6-4

Ranjan, Prabhash (2021) ISDS transparency provisions in the Indian Model BIT: A half-hearted attempt? In: Adjudicating Global Business in and with India: International Commercial and Investment Disputes Settlement. 1st ed. Routledge, London, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9780429343773

Sharma, Aishna, Chishti, Vanessa and Pathak, Binay Kumar (2021) Teachers and students as political actors in Indian higher education. In: Changing higher education in India. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 211-240. ISBN 9781350192409

Singh, Prabhakar (2021) Finding foreign relations law in India: A decolonial dissent. In: Encounters between Foreign Relations Law and International Law. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781108942713

Star, Shaun (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on the right to education in India. In: The yearbook of educational law. Education Law Association, Ohio, pp. 280-282. ISBN 9781565341937

Tiwari, Yashowardhan (2021) The curious absence of Gandhi from the Indian constitution: The history we don't remember. In: Recent trends in legal history. Gujarat National Law University, Gujrat, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9789384936136

Zeller, Bruno, Mohanty, Gautam and Garimella, Sai Ramani (2021) Conclusion and observations. In: Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and the Public Policy Exception. Springer, Singapore, pp. 171-183. ISBN 978-981-16-2634-0

Zhang, Wenjuan (2021) Another perspective to read the picture of lawyering for change in China. In: The Indian yearbook of comparative law 2019. The Indian yearbook of comparative law book series . Springer, Singapore, pp. 319-355. ISBN 9789811621758

Book Reviews

Baxi, Upendra (2021) BS Chimni, International law and world order: a critique of contemporary approaches, Cambridge University Press, 2017, xviii+ 629. [Book Reviews]

Chaudhary, Shraddha (2021) [Book review]: On crime, society, and responsibility in the work of Nicola Lacey, edited by Solanke, Iyiola, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. [Book Reviews]

Dautaj, Ylli (2021) Environmental interests in investment arbitration: Challenges and directions and water services disputes in international arbitration: Reconsidering the nexus of investment protection, environment, and human rights. [Book Reviews]

Kansal, Shubhangi (2021) Book review : The Mothers of Manipur by Teresa Rehman. [Book Reviews]

Mahanand, Jadumani (2021) Practice of caste and the complexities of constitutional Democracy. [Book Reviews]

Pangalangan, Raphael Lorenzo A. (2021) Book Review : Constitutions, religion, and politics in Asia: Malaysia, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. [Book Reviews]

Pangalangan, Raphael Lorenzo A. (2021) Constitutions, religion, and politics in Asia: Malaysia, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. [Book Reviews]

Singh, Gunjan (2021) Book review: South Asia conundrum: The great power gambit. [Book Reviews]

Sontakke, Atharva (2021) Abhinav Chandrachud, republic of religion: The rise and fall of colonial secularism in India. [Book Reviews]

Conference or Workshop Item

Iheme, Williams C. (2021) Rethinking the effectiveness of consumer protection policies and measures in the financial marketplace. In: The Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers, 24-Oct-2020, New York.


John, Mathew and Devaiah, Vishwas H. and Baruah, Pritam and Tundawala, Moiz and Kumar, Niraj (eds.). (2021) The Indian yearbook of comparative law 2019. The Indian yearbook of comparative law book series . Springer, Singapore. ISBN 9789811621758

Bharadwaj, Ashish, Devaiah, Vishwas H. and Gupta, Indranath (2021) Locating Legal Certainty in Patent Licensing. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 9789811965357

Bhushan, Tripti (2021) Facets of media law & intellectual property rights. Research Culture Society, New Delhi. ISBN 97881954134

Butani, Mukesh, Jha, Kinshuk, Kejriwal, Seema, Sharma, Sahil, Mainkar, Dhwani and Dhanuka, Karan (2021) Taxpayer rights: Deciphering the Indian charter. OakBridge Publishing, Haryana. ISBN 9789391032487

Chanda, Subhrajit (2021) Handbook: Developing sports law in India: A challenge ahead. Karnataka, Karnataka. ISBN 9781685761219

Chatterjee, Arup K. (2021) Indians in London: From the birth of the East India Company to independent India. Bloomsbury, New Delhi. ISBN 9789389449174

Chauhan, Prakhar Narain Singh and Clarke, Henry (2021) Third party funding in international arbitration. Thomson Reuter, New Delhi. ISBN 9789041161116

Choukroune, Leila and Nedumpara, James J. (2021) International economic law text, cases, and materials. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781108500241

Jolly, Stellina and Khanderia, Saloni (2021) Indian private international law. Studies in private international law- Asia, 6 . Bloomsbury, New Delhi. ISBN 9781509938186

Singh, Rav Pratap (2021) Constitution of tax: A tale of four constitutional amendments and consumption taxes. OakBridge Publishing, Haryana. ISBN 9789391032357

Zeller, Bruno, Mohanty, Gautam and Garimella, Sai Ramani (2021) Enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and the public policy exception : Including an analysis of South Asian state practice. 1st ed. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-16-2636-4

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